Site Design Settings

The Design Settings button in your Greenhouse is an important area to be familiar with. There are three sections within this area that you can edit: Browser Title, Custom Head Code, and Browser Icon (Favicon). 

Browser Title 

Your Browser Title is the name of your website. If you look at the top of your browser you'll see a name given to every page that you have open within your browser. Typically this title is just the organization name, but you can change the title to optimize it for search engines. 


Browser Icon (Favicon)

Your browser icon (or "favicon") is the the little image that will show up next to your website's title. You'll need to upload an ".ico" file in order to have this feature on your website. To create one, we suggest using this free 3rd party Favicon Creator


Custom Head Code

Code placed in this section will be included on every page of your website. You can use this for custom CSS, Javascript files, social media embed codes, and more. 

Heads up - while this feature was created to give you further custom options for your site it's not guaranteed that all pasted content will interact well with the entire site. Because this is a more advanced feature, customer relations may not be able to support issues with yourcode. If you aren't super comfortable working with code you might want to avoid using this feature or let someone with a little more experience handle this aspect of your site. 



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