Field Properties

Field Properties allow you to edit specific settings of the selected field.

General Info

Name- this is the name of the field that allows the user to know what to enter. If you plan to set up Form Notifications via email, be sure to avoid using “&” in the File Name. You will also need to ensure that there is only one space between each word. 


Placeholder Text- Not available in all fields, but if you see it, you can put in an example of what the user can put in the box.


Help Text- You can place a brief explanation of what you’d like the users to put in the field.



If you select the Required box under the Validation tab, this will make the field required to be filled out before the visitor can submit the form.




Conditions allow your form to display certain fields only if the user enters a certain answer in a previous question. This essentially allows the form to expand as your user fills out specific information. If you select the Under Certain Conditions button, you then have the option to Add A Condition. You can then select what field, whether it contains, does not contain, is, or is not a set value that you place in the next box.

An example of this would be if you have a sign up for VBS, and you ask “Would you like to register another child?” When you click the gear icon for the next field, such as Child #2, you could select that question’s field in the Condition box, set the Comparison to “is”, and place the word “Yes” in the value. This tells the form to show your field (i.e. Child #2) for the user to fill out if yes was selected in the previous question.


Always Show Field:


  1. Applying Conditions:

In this example, applying conditions to the Child #2 field, won’t allow for that field to show up on the form unless the question above it is answered yes. 


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