Integrating ChurchStreaming.TV

Step 1: From your Greenhouse Dashboard, click on the Integration icon. This can also be accessed from the 3-dot menu which is located on the top right corner of your Clover account. 

Step 2: Click the Setup button under ChurchStreaming.TV, and enter your ChurchStreaming.TV information. 

NOTE: The e-mail address (identifier) must match an admin account on CSTV. 


NOTE: If the integration is successful, it should show the e-mail address (identifier) for the admin account on CSTV as well as the church name on your CSTV account upon refreshing the page.

Clover _ Integrations - Google Chrome 2022-04-20 1

Step 3: Go to your Greenhouse and create a Livestream page or section. Once created, you'll click on the button that says "Choose This Page's Account".

Step 4: Select the option that says "Use my ChurchStreaming.TV account". Verify your ChurchStreaming.TV account shows in the drop-down then click "save". 


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